I have some news and updates regarding my channel, and specifically my uploading schedule, that I want to cover in this post.
In these first five months of 2018 I have had a lot of university work to do, and so naturally the channel's uploading rate has suffered. I initially wanted to upload three videos a week but very quickly realised that it would take too much of my free-time to do so. Instead I decided abandon the Sunday & Wednesday uploading schedule and try to upload whenever I had time (which was not that often).
But I'm done with university now and of course... work follows. On Monday (17th of June) I start a full-time job and will work all summer long. This means that I will most likely only record and edit videos during the weekends.
So this is what I will try to do:
- Upload one review video per week (usually on Sundays).
- Plan/schedule more educational videos (I have two videos in mind that I have wanted to film for the longest of time).
- In case of lack of time during busy times, try to release a 'book talk' video or similar.
I'm really sorry that I can't promise more videos and I know that I have so many books to share (with this rate it will take possibly years before I even catch up to all of the books I own, and since I get new ones every-so-often, I doubt I ever will, hah!).
But now for some fun news!
The Folio Society Summer-Sale is just around the corner, and I will most likely pick up a few titles then, so a haul will follow!
And after the haul I will record my fourth(!) bookshelf tour. I know this one will be exciting because so much has happened with my collection.
I'm sure some of you know that I have been selling a lot of books, and I have pretty much stayed within a specific book budget for all of my purchases during the last six to eight months (selling books and buying new ones for that money), and so my budget has limited any expansion in my library. I have traded books I didn't want with books I did want and so the collection has stayed at a steady +-0 (almost). But there's still many new books to show!
I want to thank every single one of you for all of the support and love throughout these years. I always have big plans in mind and I have a pretty decent idea of how this channel will look like in the upcoming years (but more of that in an upcoming post), and I hope all of you will be aboard when (if) changes start to happen... but no drastic changes - just switching the headlights on something else. ;-)
Have a great day!